Increase Sales

Shorter ramp up time

Progress monitoring

Increase level of compliance

Decrease attrition rate
How it works
How AI powered software analyzes top performers , extracts key success factors, and transfers this know-how to the rest of the population, monitors their progress and provides continuous improvement.

① Select Improvement scope
Choose the metrics you want to improve (Sales, NPS,..) and select product, population, and geography
② Select learning range
Choose the range of your top performing agents you want to analyze
③ Analyze the data
Strike AI software will analyze top performers, extract key success factors and provide insights
④ Select training range
Select the range of agents you want to train
⑤ Train the agents
Strike AI will deploy a training program based on key findings of the top-performing agents
⑥ Monitor the progress
Our software will monitor the progress of the trained agents and provide insights into their improvement

Get key insights and beat the competition
Our solution allow large scale analysis, progress monitoring, and shortens the learning process from three months to a few days, and significantly boosts performance.